We began with a scenic hour drive into the mountains, then a 45 min. trek through fields and hills—on ELEPHANTS.
After our safari, we watched paciderm youngsters kick soccer balls, eat handfuls of bananas, twirl hula-hoops on their trunks and PAINT pictures of other elephants—truly! Didn’t get a t-shirt, but got great photos.
Then four people got into double-ox carts, which drag raced down a bumpity country road—or maybe that was simply Jody’s driving.
Next we enjoyed a peaceful 30-minute bamboo raft ride down the Upper Ping River. Jody and Rob both got to “pole,” while one guide occasionally teased, “crocodile!”

A nice tropical buffet of rice, chicken, veggies and fruit was provided, before we began the hour-long trip home, interrupted by visits to factories producing: silk, Celadon pottery, elephant dung paper (no kidding), and painted paper umbrellas of every size.
We arrived back at the guest house tired, hot, and with many photos, memories, and a few shopping sacks!
We are all well and fine, but the heat and humidity take a toll each day, and slow down our western pace.
The team is ahead of schedule on projects. Visit the school web site for work photos at www.GISThailand.org.