Airport DASH!

Friday, June 27, trip begins with a dash! We were prepared to leave for the airport at 10:30 p.m., 2 ½ hrs early, for international security procedures. But when Jody called China Airlines at 5:40 p.m. to double-check the flight, he was told passengers should arrive FOUR hrs. ahead, which meant we had to leave within the hour to get in line!

The catch was, Dick B., our gracious driver, was on a dinner date with his wife, with his cell phone “off.” In addition, he had a new number, which no one had! So, after eight calls to friends and family, his daughter Sheryl finally offered to scoot us to the airport and we left on time—or rather—early and made it. Since it was already 9:30 p.m. and we’d each been doing final packing and errands all day, Jody used the time to catch a snooze in the baggage line, while we all yawned and looked on, enviously.

About midnight, Rob decided to have a final American burger…to keep his taste buds happy for a month. We took off at 1 a.m. as planned, were fed “dinner” at 2 a.m. our time, because it’s evening in China, and had breakfast at “WHO KNOWS” what time, because it’s morning SOMEWHERE!

For “excitement,” I (Penny) had my first ever fainting spell and blacked out in the aisle near the galley, because of heat, lack of sleep and high altitude. The hostesses let me lay there, with a pillow and blankets, for about 30 minutes, until I felt totally conscious again. (I was the ONLY one on the plane who got to lie flat out! ) Later, we saw a gorgeous sunrise over Japan,
and landed in Taipei about 5 a.m. their time—about 7 p.m. Sat. night back home.

We have a 4.5 hour layover in Taiwan, as I write this note with photos, Jody plays computer games, and Gary explores the airport with Rob. I’ve taken numerous pix of the great signs with Chinese characters—full words—Jody and Rob tell me.

I’m fascinated with this passenger transfer sign to cities and countries I’ve seen in the news all my life.

We shared a nice mocha a few minutes ago. (Just what I need…less sleep!) In about 2.5 more hours we board for a 7 hr. flight to Bangkok. We’ll spend the afternoon, evening, overnight, and morning there, then fly to Chiang Mai tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 p.m. At home it is 4 p.m. Saturday, but it’s already Sunday here—14 hours ahead!

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